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This page gives a Quickstart installation guide for prepareing and using ANI.

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A - Requirements

Server side
  • SMB capable server. This may be a linux box or aeqivalent running samba, or - of course - a MS Windows server.
  • DHCP server, capable of sending user options.
Client side
  • Boot capable floppy or CDROM drive.
  • HDD capacity > 3GB
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B - Procedure

  1. Unpack tarball to a directory on a SMB capable server.
  2. Copy the contents of the I386 directory from a MS Windows 2000 resp. XP installation CD to ~/Ai386/i386. Patch the i386 content with the recent service pack, if needed. For this purpose have a look in ~/Ai386/i386/CONTENT for further details.
  3. Replace the dummy file ~/Ai386/i386/$OEM$/$1/install/ActiveP.msi with the original ActiveState Perl msi file. You can obtain the original msi file from ActiveState. IMPORTANT: Rename the original msi file to 'ActiveP.msi' before the replacement (like the dummy file).
  4. Edit ~/Ai386/ani/unattend.tpl: Replace the <ProductId> dummy with your Windows 2k/XP Id.
  5. Add all needed drivers, which are not distributed with Windows 2000 resp. Windows XP, to the directory ~/Ai386/i386/$OEM$/$1/PNP and its subfolders.
  6. Share the directories Ai386 and APACK with SMB.
  7. Create a user (e.g. "hanswurst") and add read privileges for it on the shares Ai386 and APACK.
    Sample for Samba Server (Linux)
    Adding a user
    useradd -d /dev/null -b /bin/false hanswurst
    smbpasswd -a hanswurst
    Sample smb.conf
    -- snip --
         path = /shared/ANI/Ai386
         browsable = true
         read only = Yes
         valid users = hanswurst, @admins
         write list = @admins
         guest ok = No
         path = /shared/ANI/APACK
         browsable = true
         read only = Yes
         valid users = hanswurst, @admins
         write list = @admins
         guest ok = No
    -- snip --
    Setting Access-Rights
    Depending on your system:
    chown -R smbrun:nogroup /shared/ANI/Ai386 /shared/ANI/APACK
    chmod -R 750 /shared/ANI/Ai386 /shared/ANI/APACK
    Sample for Windows 2kx Server
    Adding a user account
    Create either a domain user on a DC (Domain Controller) or a local user on the File server, which contains the ANI shares. Use the appropriate MMC Snap-in ('Active Directory Users and Computers' resp. 'Local Users and Groups').
    Sharing Ai386 and APACK
    Right click on the according share and choose 'Sharing...'. Share the directory for 'everyone'. The share name is free, but for convention keep the names Ai386 and APACK.
    Use the 'Security' tab to set the NTFS rights: Remove the group 'Everyone'; press the 'Add..' button and add the created user or a group, to which the user belongs. This can be either a domain user/group or a local user/group of the file server. Activate the permissions allow 'Read & Execute', 'Read' and 'List folder contents'.
  8. Generate encrypted password for this user using "encrypt.exe" (Win32) or "encrypt" (Linux, ELF) located in the ~/TOOLS directory.
    The key is hard coded on the boot medium: adrv354ggsdgs433 (case sensitive!). You may change this as soon as we manage to publish the sources...
    Please enter key (16 characters): adrv354ggsdgs433
    Please enter password (max. 16 characters): honolulu23
    Encrypted password: /IQr8qqEB4hr3JqlK0TTPg==
  9. DHCP server configuration
    Sample dhcpcd.conf
    -- snip --
    # Option definitions common to all supported networks...
    option domain-name "substring.ch";
    option domain-name-servers;
    option netbios-name-servers;
    option netbios-node-type 8;
    # User defined options
    option ani-domain-name code 201 = text ;
    option ani-install-share code 202 = text ;
    option ani-packages-share code 203 = text ;
    option ani-installer-password code 204 = text ;
    option ani-installer-account code 205 = text ;
    subnet netmask {
       option routers;
       option ani-domain-name "ou=computers,dc=substring,dc=ch" ;
       option ani-install-share "\\\\server1\\Ai386" ;
       option ani-packages-share "\\\\server1\\APACK" ;
       option ani-installer-password  "MlEhFkH1JMsrhIzUAxieMg==" ;
       option ani-installer-account "hanswurst" ;
    -- snip --
    Sample Windows 2kx DHCP Server
    Open MMC and add there the DHCP administration snapin. Right click on the according DHCP server and choose 'set predefined options...'. There you have to choose the 'add...' button.
    Add the following options:
    Name:                   Data type:      Code:   Description:
    ani-domain-name         string          201     Domain to Join
    ani-install-share       string          202     Installation share
    ani-packages-share      string          203     Software package share
    ani-installer-password  string          204     Installer password
    ani-installer-account   string          205     Installer Account
    In the next step choose a scope and there 'scope options'. Make a right click in the right field and choose 'Configure options...'. Under the 'general'-tab activate the options 201..205 and fill in following values:
    option:                 Value (example):
    201                     ou=computers,dc=substring,dc=ch
    202                     \\YourServerName\Ai386
    203                     \\YourServerName\APACK
    204                     MlEhFkH1JMsrhIzUAxieMg==
    205                     hanswurst
    Repeat this procedure for every scope you want to be affected.
    NOTE: The option 3 (routers) must always be provided, otherwise dhclient on the boot media will fail.
  10. Make your boot media:
    If you use Linux:
    Floppy disk:
    fdformat /dev/fd0u1440 (to make sure the floppy is ok)
    dd if=ADISK/bootdisk.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=10k
    cdrecord [dev=bus#,dev#] -data ADISK/bootcd.iso
    If you use Windows:
    Floppy disk:
    You're welcome to use our tool "AniDisk.exe", located in ~/ADISK, for writing the floppy disk! With AniDisk.exe you have the possibility to change the default configuration on the bootdisk (see ~/CONFIGURE).
    Almost any CD-Rom burn software should be able to burn the Boot-CD-image ~/ADISK/bootcd.iso.
  11. Make some coffee.
  12. Make sure you're not going to update the wrong PC.
  13. Start the installation:
    • If you boot from floppy-disk, the drive should be auto detected. Just press enter on the bootprompt.
    • If you boot from CD-Rom, ANI tries to mount from /dev/hdc (second IDE controller, primary device) by default.
    You may change this behavior by adding 'INITDEV=hd<xy>' at the boot prompt. (IDE0,master=hda; IDE0,slave=hdb; IDE1,master=hdc; IDE1,slave=hdd; a.s.o) In this case you will also have to specify a boot label. Defined boot labels are 'new' and 'update'. For a first installation with ANI the boot label 'new' is mandatory. This is also the default. In our example with the CD-drive on IDE1/slave, the right prompt at the boot prompt would be:
    boot: new INITDEV=hdd [ENTER]
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C - If something goes wrong

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D - Integrate the latest Service Pack

After having done some test installations with ANI, you should at least upgrade your ~/Ai386/i386 ANI-folder to the latest Service Pack (SP) available before using ANI productively.

D.1 - Integrate SPs for Windows 2000

Download the latest SP from Microsoft (let's say SP4)
A good starting point to get it is here. Download the SP in the right language and as a "Network Installation", not as an "Express Installation". Beware: SPs always have size over 100 MB.
Extract the SP
This is done with W2KSP4_EN.EXE -x (replace W2KSP4_EN.EXE with the name of your downloaded Exe). You are then asked where to extract the files. Let's assume your choice is D:\SP. You end up with a D:\SP\i386 folder with around 150 MB of files.
Slipstream the SP into the ~/Ai386/i386-Folder
Let's assume ~/Ai386 is mapped to G:\. Do a D:\SP\i386\update\update.exe -S:G:\ then. Note that you do not point to the i386 folder directly.
Clean up
Remove the folder win9xmig in G:\Ai386\I386 created during the slipstream process. It contains files to upgrade from a previous Win9x installation, which is never the case with ANI :-).

D.2 - Integrate SPs for Windows XP

D.3 - Integrate Hotfixes

You can also integrate hotfixes from Microsoft which is described for Win2k here.

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E - Limitations